Explaining the nuts and bolts of Self Determination: Individual Budget

nuts and bolts of self determination- individual budget

Once the Person-Centered Planning (PCP) is done, your IPP (Individual Program Plan) team will determine the individual budget to be used in your Self Determination Program.


What is an Individual Budget and how is it determined?

An individual budget is the amount of money a Self Determination Program participant has available to purchase needed services and supports. Your individual budget is the amount of regional center funding available to you to purchase the services and supports you need to implement your IPP.

Your Self Determination Program individual budget is determined by your IPP team, and is based upon the amount of purchase of service (POS) funds used by you in the most recent 12-months. This amount can be adjusted, up or down, if your IPP team determines that your needs, circumstances, or resources have changed. Additionally, your IPP team may adjust the budget to support any prior needs or resources that were not addressed in your IPP.

In case you are new to the regional center and do not have a 12-month history of POS (purchase of service) costs, your  individual budget amount is determined by your IPP team, based upon the average POS cost of services and supports paid by the regional center. The average cost may be adjusted up or down, by the regional center, if needed to meet your unique needs.


How is an Individual Budget adjusted?

The IPP team can make an adjustment to your individual budget if both of the following occur:

  1. Your IPP team determines that an adjustment to this amount is necessary due to a change in your circumstances, needs, or resources that would result in an increase or decrease in purchase of service expenditure or your IPP team identifies prior needs or resources that were not addressed in your IPP.
  2. The regional center certifies on the individual budget document that regional center expenditures for your individual budget, including any adjustment, would have occurred regardless of your participation in the Self Determination Program.

Should you disagree with the individual budget amount determined at your IPP, you’ll have the same due process rights that all consumers have.


How is the Individual Budget paid and who manages it?

The amount of the individual budget will be available to you every year for the purchase of program services and support. Typically, an individual budget is calculated for a 12-month period, unless revised to reflect changes in your circumstances, needs, or resources.

The individual budget is assigned uniform budget categories developed by DDS (Department of Developmental Services) and distributed according to the timing of the anticipated expenditures in the IPP and in a manner that ensures that you have the financial resources to implement your IPP throughout the year.

You, with the help of a FMS (Financial Management Services) are in charge of your individual budget. You are required to use a fiscal manager, vendored through the regional center, to help manage and direct the distribution of funds contained in your individual budget and ensure you have enough funds to implement your IPP throughout the year.


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February 5, 2015